I’ve thought, as I sometimes do when a bit of insomnia hits me, that I should set some goals for my self, and the timing of this bout seems a bit coincidental with (as of when this post begins) the last day of the year. That’s right, it’s time to groan inwardly with me. I’m going to publish my resolutions for the new year.
I refuse to call them New Year’s Resolutions, however.
First thing’s first, I already pretty much had these ideas in mind for a while now. I just thought that I could get my self-motivation together sooner and get them rolling more firmly. That hasn’t happened yet.
Even then, I have never really felt that there was much of a point or use to waiting until the end of a calendar year to get all these things tallied up and put out there. The receipt of external nudges is entirely possible any time of the year, so really, why put it off so long, especially if anything’s leftover from a decision that lapsed earlier in the year?
So, without any fanfare, here’s what I shall be doing in the coming year(s), in no particular order:
I’d like to do this more often, and at a bit more length, and about even more topics I’m interested in. I’ve got no particular aspiration, but it’s an interesting exercise, even outside of the writing I do for work. I don’t think I’ll be particularly interesting to read, but I shall continue to experience interesting occurrences. Maybe I’ll share more of them.
I should probably call this one “listening”. It’s not just reading I enjoy, but having a good story conveyed to me. I did pick it up a bit this year, but there’s actually a backlog of books that I’ve barely gotten past the first few chapters on. I will get caught up and I think a goal I can reach here is at least double what I took in during 2013.

This is pretty close to the reading stuff since I play video and computer games, with a big chunk of them being story-driven, with some action and role-play mixed in among the adventures. Like the books, I’ve got a few games that have nice-sized chunks of stories. I think I’ll spend a bit more recreation time with them to clear out this particular backlog.
The Doctor: I’m the Doctor, by the way. What’s your name?
Rose Tyler: Rose.
The Doctor: Nice to meet you,Rose. Run for your life!
A common theme here is that I’ve got some stories to take in, in the various forms I enjoy consuming them in. I truly do not watch a lot of television, as it airs, and a bit of that stems from being seasons behind on the series I like. I know I’m capable of getting caught up here as well, as many shows have a large gap between seasons, so not too much marathoning of seasons will be needed, I hope.
I can’t know it all, sure, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to know a lot. This one’s purposely more vague since I’m always learning something.
<insert standard exercise more and eat healthier declaration>

Yeah, this one’s just a personal one I really want to do. I now know truly the difference in how I feel being less active than I had been not long ago. None of us are getting any younger. I’d better do something while I still can.
Hopefully, the items above weren’t too vague, but I think I figured out another reason I do not like calling the above resolutions. I didn’t set any firm points of achievement. As long as I’m doing some, or all of the above, I’m thinking that improvement is a likely outcome.
That’s enough about me. Do you have any resolutions? Think it’s all just more marketing-driven BS? Please share your thoughts.
featured image: Resolution, by beX out loud on flickr
[…] I want to reuse the resolutions I made a year ago as well. I’ve pretty much lived all of 2014 with those in […]