“You can fix anything but a blank page.” – Nora Roberts
Source: Daily Post – 4.24.2015 – Daily Writing – Desk Community
A blank page as a writing “problem” to solve – that’s an interesting way to look at it, right?
It is the single most intimidating part of writing, I think. I mean it’s like this. How can I turn this blank screen into a number of paragraphs, that each have something semi-interesting to say? Brainstorming didn’t always seem practical to me in my schooling days. Now that I’ve been adulting for a while, however, I guess I get to avoid blank screens more, so it’s easier. Replying to emails, for example, allows me to quote the original email and even to reply inline, and both of these features of modern text communication are what “seed” most of my actual writing.
I do sort of miss pen-and-paper writing a bit, but not the blank pages. Perhaps I’ll give that another try to make sure I can still do that kind of writing.

Source: Steve Shoemaker
At any rate, this page isn’t nearly as blank as when I started, so I think I’ve “fixed” it, until the next time, which begins as soon as I click “publish.” 🙂
Now, it’s your turn (can’t let you get away with just reading this, now can I?) How do you conquer the Blank Page Boss? Let’s see some strategies. Post or comment.