Anniversary Battle

Apologies, but I need to get something silly out of my system. It’s not that silly, but just on loop in my head.
OK, now that that’s out of my system (3 months isn’t long at all), it’s on the to the rest of the blank page. It’s putting up quite a fight today. I won’t let it win. There will be words that form thoughts. Soon.
Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. -Albert Einstein
This writing thing is tough on days like today. That’s because I can think of not a single original thought to put forth here and it’s annoying. I’m also fighting off a buzz of distractions that are in my head. Those thoughts, that have no substance, are the hardest to get away from because they keep playing, like an old radio station, in a tight loop.
Like right now, suddenly, I’m thinking of a different song than the one above and it’s stuck playing its hook over and over again. Maybe I can purge it if I listen.
Well, that was fun, but I don’t think it worked so well. The page is looking less blank, so I’ll consider this battle a draw and return for more combat tomorrow.
Photo Credit: Annie Spratt
Weather and Music Monday

My favorite kind of weather is also the kind I’m most comfortable in. It’s the late Spring-type of weather. It’s a clear sky. It’s sunny outside and warm, but not too warm. It’s just warm enough for a t-shirt and shorts, but not so hot you just feel like staying in a pool all day.
It’s warm enough outside, but it still doesn’t drain you when being active. It’s also something pretty common here in Southern California. I think that’s partly why I’m writing about it today, a day where more rain is in the forecast. It’s been a wet weekend and Winter in general.
It’ll be a green Spring, and that’s a side-benefit to all the rain. That’s something to look forward to during all the low-energy days and when slogging through increased traffic jams.
Prompt: What is your favorite kind of weather? Why?
On a slightly less depressing note, it’s Monday again, which means it’s time, once again for:
Music Monday
This week’s choice is:
I just finished Titanfall 2‘s campaign last night. It’s quite good, although I can understand why some might not like the ending mission, it makes sense since I believe the story’s not over yet. There’s still some action remaining, and I’m sure Titanfall 3 will happen. Trust me, this isn’t the last we’ll see of BT and Cooper.
More music here: Music Mondays – 2NE1
The Way
Putting these words down so they don’t drift away.
I like the smell of rain. The sound of steady rain at night. Stepping outside just after it’s stopped.
I like the way…
I also like the way you move…
and, that’s without ever knowing the way…
Music Mondays 2017 – #1
Music Mondays – Leon Bridges
I believe Leon Bridges is a musician to watch closely. Don’t let the style fool you; this video is less than a year old.
Check him out in a couple of places:
More good tunes at: Hello Happiness