The list was deceptively simple. Five plants to take to a new planet.
But, which five? Well, here’s a reasoned set.
Nutrition That Tastes Good

My first choice seems pretty straightforward. It’s mint. Besides being good for your breath, it helps with digestion by getting your mouth-watering, and relieves nausea[1]. That’s a pretty good combination I think.
Get Up And Go
I’d next need something to give a good “boost” in the morning, but not be leaving me super-wired, so some variety of black tea would need to be in my new garden. Flavor is also a decider here. I don’t dislike the other tea varieties, but taste matters to me as part of the stimulation. Also, it helps reduce cholesterol[2].
Cure For What Ails You
Coincidentally, something that’s good with tea, also can relieve pain[3]. That’s ginger for you. I’ll take that next.
Healing Powers
Colds are likely to travel along with me, so it would be very good to have a way to cut their impact, that’s where Andrographis paniculata (it has many names, so I chose the scientific one) comes in handy for upper respiratory infections and for clearing the sinuses[4], things that definitely bother me from time to time.
Rest Time

Last, but not least, is something to help with sleep. Sleep, which is important to health, should be taken regularly. Sometimes, that’s hard, and probably going to be harder on an exciting new world. So, a natural sleep aid would be very much appreciated. I’ll go with chamomile for that. Brewed up as a tea, it seems to work pretty well for me.
All Set!
So, it seems that I’ll be a big tea-drinker at this new planet, with good breath (I hope). Seems like a pretty sweet way to live to me.
Your turn! You only get to choose five plants to take with you to a new planet. Which plants do you take and why?
Source : writing prompts
photos: anthonycramp, Leszek.Leszczynski
- “Herbal remedies using mint (Menta spicata)”
Theaflavins from Black Tea, Especially Theaflavin-3-gallate, Reduce the Incorporation of Cholesterol into Mixed Micelles – Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ACS Publications)
4 Herbs for Natural Pain Relief | The Dr. Oz Show
4. Use of visual analogue scale measurements (VAS) to asses the effectiveness of standardized Andrographis paniculata extract SHA-10 in reducing the symptoms of common cold. A randomized double blind-placebo study