Managing time is a bit like a game for me. I have a work calendar, which stays relatively simple, and a set of personal calendars. Some of the personal ones are basically like the old paper ones many used to use: they store things like birthdays and anniversaries.

Not my calendar. 🙂

Some calendars, such as the social ones, are automatically generated- there’s one for Facebook, another for a travel site. Even Google now detects events in emails and creates calendar events on the same account’s calendar. That feature is pretty neat because I sometimes forget to go through my emails and create calendar events for social engagements, like concerts and conventions.

I’m not the best at time management, but I’m getting better at it.

prompt: Time Management

Photo Credit: the ryan king via Compfight cc

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

I sit and read another post that reminds me of some key aspects of building new habits, and realize, with a bit of disheartening clarity, that I’ve stumbled on one of the tips put forth by Belle Beth Cooper on the Buffer Open Blog:

Focus on one habit at a timeOne of the hardest things for me when it comes to building new habits is to not take on too many at once. I always have such grand plans for the things I want to get better at, and so much enthusiasm when I first start out, that I want to build several habits at once.

My setback has been due to taking on too many habits at once. I’ve only had success in January with one: writing more consistently. Honestly, I should have paid heed since only one new habit could realistically be firmly established in such a short time.

I actually am at the point where I feel like something important’s not being done if I don’t at least start a post. Even if I don’t hit the publish button, as long as I’ve saved some thoughts, I consider that enough to check the box in Momentum (a fine habit tracking app!)

Screenshot 2016-02-04 20.28.15.png
Trimmed some stuff and finished a book, so took a break to decide on what’s next.

I think, after this sharp reminder, that I’ll give myself a few more weeks before adding another important habit. I’m also going to hold myself more accountable. Part of that will be to partake in a more formal course of action. Specifically, an email course.

Read more at: How to Build Life-Changing Habits Through Tiny Changes

It’s funny that the first thing to pop into my mind is something I’ve never directly experienced: clearing snow from a walkway in order to reach a car to drive. That’s a winter tradition back east, or so I’ve heard. Don’t mean to rub it in, seriously.
