I am a geek and a nerd. I embrace both. I love to geek out on a favorite topic, such as my current favorite game, or movie, or book. Sometimes, I realize that what seems like a calm explanation in my head comes out as an excited rush of words. It’s almost like exercise, in that I get a surge of adrenaline and am pumped up by the time I start to think maybe I need to give my audience (a friend, or family member) a break from me. But that’s just who I am. I surround myself with those who also get this way.

I geek out.

Prompt: Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge #01

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story(Donnie Yen) Ph: Film Frame ©Lucasfilm LFL
Chirrut Image from StarWars.com

So much on my mind this week! I’m looking forward to seeing Rogue One, with a date accompanying me, and not just with a group of friends, which is cool, but I’ve been wanting to share this experience with this person for a while. Another friend’s getting married on New Year’s Eve and the reception is going to be themed (Great Gatsby) and while that’s a bit more distant, it’s still on my mind. Oh yeah, Christmas is getting super close too! 🙂

More posts here: #MicroblogMondays 120: Book Thief

The $15 “Survival” expansion to 2016’s second most-intense emotional rollercoaster, The Division, seems to be a very good addition to the game. Emphasis on “seems to be,” because I can only extend so much praise to a clever but brutal game mode that keeps killing me. Read more…

via The Division’s New Survival Mode Is Intense — Kotaku

I’ve seen some play-through video of this expansion, and this review definitely makes me lean more towards getting this particular content. Sure, it’s brutal, but it’s not unreasonably so. It also doesn’t appear to be as complex and “without any hints” as survival Minecraft is.

Photo Credit: kimfaires via Compfight cc

This weekend, I squeezed in an actual, sit-down, bath. Normally, I’m a stand-up, showering guy, but I was on a mini-vacation, so I figured a treat was in order.

That feeling of completely relaxing in hot water is a rare luxury that most of us, in our frantic daily lives, don’t get a chance to enjoy. With no strict timetable, it was time to take the plunge.

It felt so good.

Vote here: Wicked Word Wednesday: Bare