There were no donuts today (the picture is from yesterday), but apparently, there is a holiday for donuts, and, unfortunately, it’s in June. We had donuts brought in by an angel of a co-worker yesterday, which got me thinking that there might need to be a holiday for it and that I shall create it! Luckily, another had this idea (long) before I did.





Mmmm… donut…

It wasn’t Homer. It was a bit before our times. Check it out here (and mark your calendars!)

National Donut Day

This bit of silly writing was inspired by a prompt over on the Desk community site. The Desk app recently got some big love by being included in Apple’s Apps of The Year list. Huzzah!

Anybody out there ever had an idea and was close to acting to making it happen and then discovering, it’s been done (and, did you do it anyway?) Sometimes, doing it anyway can yield surprising success.

If you could choose only two movies to watch ever again, what would they be?
This is a really tough question. I love quite a few movies. Only two? Alright…Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn and Much Ado About Nothing

What have you found to be the best way to relieve tension?
Relaxing with a good book.

If you went to a beach and it turned out to be a nude beach, would you stay and go swimming? Would you swim nude?
I don’t normally swim at beaches, so I might stay, but not swim.