I’ve requested the relevant week off, but have no firm plans. It’s not for lack of ideas. It feels like not one of them has really felt more appealing than the others.
I’ve thought of a first time visit to Hawaii, or New York; both places I’ve never visited, which seem worthy of a visit.

I’ve also considered some local exploration. Visiting some places I’ve always wanted to, but could never seem to set aside time to do so.
The more I think about it, the more that combining these ideas feels better. Perhaps a visit to the east coast, and then return for some local activities, might be a fun way to celebrate 40 trips around the day-star.
I’m still not sure, and have less than 2 weeks to firm up a plan, should I decide to do something. My usual tradition is not to do much of anything except a quiet time with immediate family. I’ve have 39 years of that, so I’m good for a little while.
Whatever I decide to do, I probably won’t stop with just one week. I think I should celebrate for an entire year, perhaps. We’ll see.
Based on a prompt from the Desk App community.