It’s another gray morning. Winter wants to assert itself down here in a place known for sunny days and palm trees. My reminder app again urges me to bring an umbrella. It’s fun to carry, even if I don’t get to use it.

Browsing a few of my regularly visited websites, I come upon a nice poem about kissing. A bit selfishly, I’ll share it here:

Not lip lock, but subtle exploration.
Light kisses, butterfly kisses, deep kisses.
A portal into the soul of your lover.
Too often the hurried prelude to the big score.
Meant for lingering and delight.
Complete unto itself. A foretelling.
Your mouth will teach me
more than the words it speaks.
Only kiss me for five minutes
and I will know who you really are.

Mike Essig

I confess that I’m not much of a poetry writer, but I am starting to see more romantic things less cynically lately. I suppose my girlfriend could be a factor in that. I hope that she appreciates my small (for now) romantic gestures since I’m flying a bit blind through this, mostly playing it by ear and seeing where our whims take us.

I’m looking forward to sharing more of my nerdy interests with here such as a get-together to watch some of the current Games Done Quick marathon. In the world of gaming, it’s a bit like the Olympics of speed-gaming, but it is sometimes very fun to watch people who are great at completing games quickly. It also reminds me that quite a few classic games have nearly endless possibilities for fun.

I need a new calendar for my wall. I think I’ll enlist some outside help to find a fun one for 2017. If you’ve seen a fun calendar online, leave a link in a comment below. I might actually pick one if nothing catches my eye during my occasional trips to the local mall.

It’s not-quite-lunch time, and I’m a bit hungry. What to choose, though? Fruit? Or candy? They’re both sweet. I’m not on any particular diet. I am conscious, however, of how I usually feel after eating each item.

That makes the decision easier. The apple is yummy!


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