past hosted party,
gave future as the present,
present is partying.

My take on this poem is a pretty cool interpretation of the meaning of time. A person exists because of events that happened in the past. The present is always present and a gift of the new past. Then, the dreams of the future exist as an ideal (a party!)

I feel like that’s on optimistic take on time’s meaning. Seems good.

Prompt: IBMC #04: Hunt a Haiku Challenge

Photo Credit: wanderingnome via Compfight cc

Tis the season for cozying up to someone special and listening to the almost musical crackle of burning logs. It’s a pretty good way to catch up with family as well. Sometimes, my family have the fire going in the aftermath of the Christmas present-opening, while the younger ones romp and play, and we do occasionally sit down to a holiday movie together (a bit rare until the younger nephew grows a bit more and settles down.) It’s time to warm up, and not just temperature-wise.

Prompt: Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge #02.


Photo Credit: kimfaires via Compfight cc

This weekend, I squeezed in an actual, sit-down, bath. Normally, I’m a stand-up, showering guy, but I was on a mini-vacation, so I figured a treat was in order.

That feeling of completely relaxing in hot water is a rare luxury that most of us, in our frantic daily lives, don’t get a chance to enjoy. With no strict timetable, it was time to take the plunge.

It felt so good.

Vote here: Wicked Word Wednesday: Bare

Managing time is a bit like a game for me. I have a work calendar, which stays relatively simple, and a set of personal calendars. Some of the personal ones are basically like the old paper ones many used to use: they store things like birthdays and anniversaries.

Not my calendar. 🙂

Some calendars, such as the social ones, are automatically generated- there’s one for Facebook, another for a travel site. Even Google now detects events in emails and creates calendar events on the same account’s calendar. That feature is pretty neat because I sometimes forget to go through my emails and create calendar events for social engagements, like concerts and conventions.

I’m not the best at time management, but I’m getting better at it.

prompt: Time Management

Photo Credit: the ryan king via Compfight cc

It’s funny that the first thing to pop into my mind is something I’ve never directly experienced: clearing snow from a walkway in order to reach a car to drive. That’s a winter tradition back east, or so I’ve heard. Don’t mean to rub it in, seriously.
