Check out part one here, or part two here.
Game with the best cut scenes
World of Warcraft. Blizzard’s cinematics team is right up there, quality-wise, with the folks at ILM.
Favorite antagonist
Ganon, the infamous enemy of Hyrule.
Favorite protagonist
Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in

Favorite genre
Right now, I’d have to go with MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Role-Playing Game). I’ve got multiple subs to some decently well-known ones and rotate as games are retired.
Game with the best story
This changes over time, but currently, it’s Ori And The Blind Forrest.
A game sequel which disappointed you
I’d say Gears of War 3 comes closest to disappointing because, while it had a pretty decent story, it needed a bit more length to let it breathe.
Game you think had the best graphics or art style

The Borderlands series. That shading style was not new when the first Borderlands game was released, but it’s really a stylistic mark of all the Borderlands games, even the game from Telltale Games.
That’s all for now. The fourth, and final part of this series is soon to come. Stay tuned!