I wanted to take a moment to say that The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is great. It’s hit that dungeon-exploring, puzzle-solving itch that I get sometimes.
I suppose that waiting to have a small gaming backlog shortening was the real reason for the wait to get a 3DS. 🙂
Eating Seeds As A Pastime Activity
Today, I stepped a little bit out of my comfort zone. For the past few years, I’d grown pretty used to attending comic conventions, with the occasional focused fandom convention scattered in there. Today was the first time I’d been to one centered around anime, Anime Impulse.
Honestly, it felt pretty ordinary. I mean that in a good way. The only thing slightly jarring had little to do with the con itself directly. I basically was partnered with, and occupied a hall along with a number of halls adjacent to it, with an Asian American expo. This meant there was a very solid presence of people of Asian descent. Also, it was the first convention I’ve been too that was more like an ordinary marketplace you find in nearly any major city. More like a cultural festival.
The anime area was more like what I’m used to, with artist areas, cosplayers doing meet-and-greets and signings, and even a stage for some panels. There was some pretty good art as well as fan art for sale from the vendors. I got quite a few stickers, mostly anime-related, with a few video game characters, as well as a print.
I think I’ll pick up a few more tomorrow as well as stick around for the the costume masquerade. Somehow, I missed some really good ones today, which I later spotted online.
I must say that this small taste of the anime con scene was pretty chill. I may go ahead and add a couple more anime cons into my rotation. This one being local to me was also a bonus. It’s going to be an interesting year with more cultural fun thrown into the mix.
Note: Post title was derived from this prompt:
Take the third line of the last song you heard, make it your post title, and write for a maximum of 15 minutes. GO!
There wasn’t music playing at the time so I launched iTunes and played the first track of the first “For You” playlist, Alternative Hits: 2002, which happened to be Toxicity, by System Of A Down. I love that tune, so I didn’t skip.
prompt source: Can’t Drive 55 | The Daily Post
The Magician King, by Lev Grossman
I’ve been briskly cruising through this adventure for the past week.
I had a copy of The Magicians for a while, but stalled out a bit until I was reminded that SyFy will soon have a live-action adaptation of it. I’m a bit hopeful since their adaptation of The Exspanse seems good so far.
Anyways, on to this book. If you’ve not read The Magicians yet, I recommend it. My take on it, so far, is that it’s a bit of Harry Potter, a bit of Narnia, and lots more angst and cynicism.
The main character is not an orphan, nor a legend, but he, Quentin, did dream of a world more extraordinary than our own. He wanted to visit the land he’s read about since he was a kid, the fantastical kingdom of Fillory. He sort of got his wish in The Magicians, attending, and graduating from the magician school, hidden in the state of New York, Brakebills, and The Magician King is the continuing adventures of Quentin, but he’s not alone.
I feel like I relate more to Quentin than Harry, or even the Pevensie siblings. He had the misfortune of angsty teenage years, unrequited love, a fantastic turn of events, and a coming of age in the magical world. Turns out that his initial love interest didn’t share the same journey, but he’s been reunited, and this story see’s Quentin trying to learn more about her, while still trying to find himself, even as the adult he is.
Inspired by: Friday Reads | L Jones Edition
Three Things Thursday: January 14, 2016
3 things I’ve been grateful for this week:
Hot showers in the morning
Comforters at night
Better sleep thanks to reduction in caffeine
Gratitude is awesome!
three things that make me smile: an exercise in gratitude – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog with the happy
In My Wallet
The Change That’s Needed
It’s kind of a tough one, but the things I eat could really use a change. I know this every time I slip on some not-so-old clothes and they’re super snug, or, worse, don’t fit any more.
It’s not even the expense and trouble of finding good alternatives that also happen to taste good, but that, often, it requires a serious time commitment to get things solidly rolling. I’ve seen others work on this by pre-packaging some of their meals in advance, and that seems like an efficient option, but, I must confess, I’m without a plan. Any help in this area is much appreciated.
Feel free to share if you have something you’ve been putting off as well.
What do you know that you need to change, but are afraid or unwilling to make the first step?
Today’s prompt is from the Written with Desk community on G+:
Teen Age Idol
I idolized Rick Astley. Well, not really, but I did actually enjoy his tunes, especially when they would pop up on MTV.
If I had to have an idol, which I can’t say I really did, it would probably have been the King of Pop himself, Micheal Jackson.
The 80s and 90s were some of the years it was good to be a fan of MJ, from Beat It, to Thriller, to the Moonwalker anthology, life was good if you loved pop.
Who did you idolize as a teenager? Did you go crazy for the Beatles? Ga-ga over Duran Duran? In love with Justin Bieber? Did you think Elvis was the livin’ end?
Music Monday – You Remind Me of The Babe
I’ve got a single choice that I knew I was going to post since last night: Magic Dance, by David Bowie.
RIP David Bowie.
Music Mondays #1
My choice for this week, and my first of 2016, is Police Bust, by Joseph Trapanese, off the Straight Outta Compton movie soundtrack.
I admit it, I’m a bit late to the Straight Outta Compton soundtrack, but I’m glad, for once, that a Spotify alert caught my attention.
This is not my first experience of the work of Joseph Trapanese, as put quite a few spins on his Tron Uprising soundtrack, even weeks after Disney canceled the excellent show (boo, Disney!) This soundtrack continues his signature style of adventurous, driving music. I totally imagine running and chasing going on, listening to this.
The funny thing is that I haven’t seen the movie yet. I will, and now I know it will definitely sound good.
Note: This is a late post. I’ll have another choice tomorrow.
Worst/Best Case
It's a Saturday, so there's no work for me today. This Saturday does, however, require some travel away from my warm bed, in order to celebrate my brother's birthday.
Worst case for the day would be a combination of factors, such as a car breakdown on the way home plus inability to pay for a tow. Basically, it's tough for today to go too badly. A car breakdown would mostly be a big inconvenience and mostly due to the cold after dark (desert areas get really cold winter nights!)
Best case would be that the food at the restaurant chosen is really good and that the nieces and nephew are relatively calm (love them, but they can get really excited sometimes.)
Here's to a good day!
Of all the awful possibilities, what’s the worst possible thing that could happen to you today? Now, what about the best?