Here we are, nearly a week into a new presidency, and I see that there’s news that the Doomsday Clock has been advanced 30 seconds forward. This advancement is due to the statements of a single person, our new President. I don’t come here to dwell on the dark times ahead, only to occasionally vent about it.

On a lighter note, pub trivia was enjoyable last night. It involved a written quiz, mostly dealing with Doctor Who Christmas specials’ trivia. I got 4 out of 20 (the worst). I totally would have done better had I simply re-watched the most recent Christmas special episode. It was good because it wasn’t overtly “Christmas-y.” There was even a superhero who faced a powerful villain. The superhero, I should add, was “accidentally” created by an encounter with The Doctor.

4/20 whoops!

All who participated got beautiful blue pen/stylus combos. Also, since I was rather hungry, the fish and chips were mighty delightful. A friendly lady and her mom were the newest to show up for the meetup as well. Even though I missed who I’ve been missing, it was still a welcome diversion from the larger world. That crept in a bit as we were wrapping up–it’s nearly inevitable with a group of sci-fi and fantasy nerds that something that threatens the foundation of our fandoms (science is under siege currently) would get even a passing mention.

Gallifrey One is nearly here but still feels far away.


Featured photo credit: Matt Quinn

My favorite kind of weather is also the kind I’m most comfortable in. It’s the late Spring-type of weather. It’s a clear sky. It’s sunny outside and warm, but not too warm. It’s just warm enough for a t-shirt and shorts, but not so hot you just feel like staying in a pool all day.

It’s warm enough outside, but it still doesn’t drain you when being active. It’s also something pretty common here in Southern California. I think that’s partly why I’m writing about it today, a day where more rain is in the forecast. It’s been a wet weekend and Winter in general.

It’ll be a green Spring, and that’s a side-benefit to all the rain. That’s something to look forward to during all the low-energy days and when slogging through increased traffic jams.

Prompt: What is your favorite kind of weather? Why?

On a slightly less depressing note, it’s Monday again, which means it’s time, once again for:

Music Monday

This week’s choice is:

I just finished Titanfall 2‘s campaign last night. It’s quite good, although I can understand why some might not like the ending mission, it makes sense since I believe the story’s not over yet. There’s still some action remaining, and I’m sure Titanfall 3 will happen. Trust me, this isn’t the last we’ll see of BT and Cooper.

More music here: Music Mondays – 2NE1

Photo Credit: BobMical Flickr via Compfight cc

Putting these words down so they don’t drift away.

I like the smell of rain. The sound of steady rain at night. Stepping outside just after it’s stopped.

I like the way…

I also like the way you move…

and, that’s without ever knowing the way…

I realized something recently. I have no idea if I share some of my interests with my friends. I suppose it’s because of the things that we already know we have in common, like our shared love of the Doctor Who universe.

I do have a few more deep interests that I might be less obscure than they seem to me, such as watching speed-gaming for fun. Hopefully, I’ll be less afraid to share some of my special interests to try and pull them a bit out of obscurity. The fear is of getting the blank stare of those who don’t quite understand what I’m describing. It’s the fear of being uninteresting if I must put a name to it.

I had this wild thought. Maybe showing interest in something, anything at all can be interesting. That’s my hope.

More interesting (possibly spooky)stuff: MicroblogMonday: Champing

My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice. — Newt Scamander

There it is. It’s such a great quote, from a great movie. Fantastic Beasts actually features many more great quotes, but that one made me nod my head super hard in agreement (and giggle a little.)

There are more great quotes here (slight spoilers): The 13 Best Quotes From ‘Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them’ Are Pretty Magical
and here: Our 12 Favorite Quotes from “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”

More quotes, and where to find them, here: WORDS CRUSH WEDNESDAY
