Well, today’s a day long awaited. The concert. Foo Fighters, at The Honda Center(aka The Pond). I’ve been looking forward to this since last December, when I ordered my ticket.
I’ve actually wanted to see these guys perform live for many years now. They’ve been at it for a couple decades and I find that I like songs from nearly all their albums.
Even though I couldn’t afford to buy their albums or go to concerts when I was a bit younger, I’m glad to be able to now. I’m hopeful that this will be an awesome rock concert.
Today, I plan to drop off my laptop at a FedEx location to ship for RMA since it seems to have a faulty video card. This is causing system shutdowns and can’t be tolerated. Thank goodness it’s still under warranty.
Been playing a good chunk of Ori and The Blind Forest. It’s a must-play for those who love Metroid-style games. Plenty of exploration and tricky jumping-while-fighting-off-enemies and pretty awesome graphics are featured.
Kuro. This owl does not like Ori. At all. “Ori Kuro” by lanfanarts – http://fav.me/d8w1j7w
I kind of want to see some speed runs of this game after I finish it. This game made my thumbs sweat. I totally recommend a play-through. Anyone want to share their death count? I just want to know how high mine might be at the end and I’m not that good at staying alive.
Today’s an important day. The reconstruction of my mouth continues. Now that the teeth are in a better alignment, the cleanup of the gums, to help show off the teeth better, begins. I’ll also be fitting retainer gear to keep the teeth from moving back.
it’s time to eat a good breakfast. I’ll need something sustaining for the long day ahead.
I’ve requested the relevant week off, but have no firm plans. It’s not for lack of ideas. It feels like not one of them has really felt more appealing than the others.
I’ve thought of a first time visit to Hawaii, or New York; both places I’ve never visited, which seem worthy of a visit.
Not sure if this is Hawaii, but it looks nice.
I’ve also considered some local exploration. Visiting some places I’ve always wanted to, but could never seem to set aside time to do so.
The more I think about it, the more that combining these ideas feels better. Perhaps a visit to the east coast, and then return for some local activities, might be a fun way to celebrate 40 trips around the day-star.
I’m still not sure, and have less than 2 weeks to firm up a plan, should I decide to do something. My usual tradition is not to do much of anything except a quiet time with immediate family. I’ve have 39 years of that, so I’m good for a little while.
Whatever I decide to do, I probably won’t stop with just one week. I think I should celebrate for an entire year, perhaps. We’ll see.
That’s from my friend Carissa, in her review of episode 10 of I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying. That sums up, pretty well, why I like this show as well. There’s just something about how these characters feel “real”. Neither Kaoru nor her husband Hajime seem to be free from quirks or emotional hangups, but, somehow, they still have managed to remain happily married.
Both have insecurities as well, with the most recent episode digging a bit into one that I’m sure is common: worries about infidelity. It’s not, however, presented in a cheesy or overly romantic way. Just a bit of introspection done by both, who take seriously their feelings about their side of the situation, and how it relates to their love for their respective partner. Seems like they’re both “doing it right”, so far.
The episodes are short, so getting caught up takes a short amount of time, so I recommend this series for those with a bit of a romantic side who are pressed for time to watch. It’s available currently for streaming at Crunchyroll.
A blank page as a writing “problem” to solve – that’s an interesting way to look at it, right?
It is the single most intimidating part of writing, I think. I mean it’s like this. How can I turn this blank screen into a number of paragraphs, that each have something semi-interesting to say? Brainstorming didn’t always seem practical to me in my schooling days. Now that I’ve been adulting for a while, however, I guess I get to avoid blank screens more, so it’s easier. Replying to emails, for example, allows me to quote the original email and even to reply inline, and both of these features of modern text communication are what “seed” most of my actual writing.
I do sort of miss pen-and-paper writing a bit, but not the blank pages. Perhaps I’ll give that another try to make sure I can still do that kind of writing.
At any rate, this page isn’t nearly as blank as when I started, so I think I’ve “fixed” it, until the next time, which begins as soon as I click “publish.” 🙂
Now, it’s your turn (can’t let you get away with just reading this, now can I?) How do you conquer the Blank Page Boss? Let’s see some strategies. Post or comment.
OK, I haven’t been posting here for a while, but I thought it would be cool to make a post after seeing the news that WordPress 4.2 has been released. It’s pretty snazzy.
The long grind to pick up some more rare mounts continues. I’m taking a break from back-2-back Stratholme runs to work towards a mount that has a (more or less) reliable average time spent/drop rates; archaeology. For now, I’m focusing, as I noted in an earlier post, on a bug mount. I’ve only seen them a few times, which is good because it means that it’s still a sign of true perseverance in a game where instant gratification is winning a bit more often against luck over time.
A lot of them were to grab water to stay hydrated since my desk is furthest from everything in the office. I think I may have caught the flu, so I’m not taking many steps today. 🙁